
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     Memorial day is not even here yet and already the idiots are out in force.     Lets start with this idiot who armed his car alarm, but left a window down and the doors unlocked so every time the door is opened the horn goes off for like 3 min straight.    He claimed he lost his key yesterday, which is possible.   He was either drunk or high or had gotten himself a heat stroke.   He had been laying on the grass out back of the house Friday, which would explain the sunburn all over his back.   I was also told he was waking around asking everyone for drugs.    All day Friday and most of the day Saturday the dang alarm kept going off.   I was in my house playing on the computer when I heard what sounded like someone banging things.   Apparently someone had broken a bunch of windows in that car and pulled the mirror off the door.   I was told the owner of the car was taken to the hospital, because he was beat up by the same person that destroyed the car.   He allegedly stold a back pack full of drugs from a kid that was looking to take the price out of that guys car.
     Some time later the police came and took statements.   I was told by a neighbor who was interviewed by the police that the owner of the car had reported it stolen.   The police think it was so he could file the insurance claim on it for the damages.   Apparently they did not just break the windows apparently they put flower in the gas tank.
     We have had massive thunderstorms today 2 of them, the first one scared me.
     About 12:30 am the owner came and got some things out of the car and left.   Shortly after that I heard 3 loud bangs.   After I thought about it a bit it sounded like someone breaking ice to put in  cooler or around a beer keg.   It was the sounds I heard a short time later that worried me. It sounded like either fireworks of a small gun shots.   I did call the police on that.   I have had enough chaos for one day.     I am half scared to go to bed but i need to try to get some sleep.
     But this is stacking up to be a pretty crappy holiday.