
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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     I rediscovered this today, and I think it is worth posting now.   Everyone today should listen to these words from the past, and learn from them. 


It seems to me today's generation has forgotten or maybe never realized what these words meant and why they were said every morning in school.   When I was growing up I went to school with a girl who refuses to participate in it, and the teacher allowed it , because she said her religion did not allow it.  I never did know what religion that was though.


     Charlie Daniels died today.  He will be missed.  I have loved his music for years.  The first song I ever heard of his was that first uneasy rider song, but I really did not know who sung it till after he recorded The Devil Went Down To Georgia.  
     I guess the good lord needs a little music too.


     I was sorting through some pictures and I saw one of my oldest nephew and his oldest son standing by my brother, sister-in-law and other nephews grave.  It made me cry, because my nephew looked so stunned.  In only 3 years he lost the whole family branch he was born into.  The anniversary of my brother's death is coming up next month. We buried him the day before his oldest son's birthday in Aug 2016. ( heck of a birthday right) Then about a month later in mid Sept. his mother died.   It was hard having 2 deaths in the same family branch that close together, but it did not come as a big surprise to us that she died soon after my brother. Just 2 days before she died she said she did not know how she would ever go on without my brother :( .  They said it was natural causes that killed her, but we think it was a broken heart. They had been together sense my brother was 18 years old.  They  raises 2 sons together, and finished raising my sister-in laws little sister when here parents died. 
   The sad part of this is after battling cancer 3 times and winning, their youngest son followed  them to the grave after his 4th battle with cancer in Sept. 2019 just a week or two before his own birthday.  I feel so sorry for my nephew.   No one should have to lose their whole birth family that closely together.  I just thank God he has his wife and children.  The children are all grown up now, but right now they are all living back home with him and his wife.   It would have been tenable if he had to deal with all that pain alone.  My nephew has always been very sensitive and to see him shutting down his emotions is kind of odd, but I guess we all deal with grief in our own ways.
     It is weird is it not how a single picture can bring back so much emotions.  Some times they are happy emotions, but sometimes they are very sad ones.
     I think I mentioned my nephew was a race car driver before.  He got rid of the race car, and is giving it up.  It is just not the same for him with his dad and his brother gone.  They used to do it as a family.  To tell the truth I think it is just too painful for him to even think about it.  Just a couple days before his brother died he wanted to go to the races , so they loaded him up and took him to the races that night.  My oldest nephew never raced again. Frankly I think that is a good idea.   Racing is dangerous, that is why my sister-in-law would not let my brother do it she was afraid for him. I was surprised when she let her son do it.   Part of me wonders if my nephew did it because he wanted to or if he did it to make his dad happy.  Could be that driving fast just runs in the family.  I rode home with my brothers youngest grandson one night and it was faster then I really wanted to get home lol but he drives well. There had been a little talk of letting him drive the race car, but I guess they changed their minds.
   Ty for you all letting me get some of these emotions out.


I was setting here thinking about something about a story my dad used to tell about me an a friend of his.  The way the story goes I used to ask him how his vitalities are, and he would say that he wished his was as good as mine.  I have no conscious memory of that but my dad told the story so many times when I was growing up that I can see it in my head.  The same thing goes for the morning my sister died. I was not even born yet, but I can see the events very clearly in my mind. My mom told that story many times too. My other sister said she thought mom did it so many times as a way of making Sally Ann real to my little brother and me, because we never met her. Mom would also talk about how strong Sally Ann was.  Mom said at only 3 weeks old she could sit up in the corner of a chair by herself.  Mom said after she died every time she saw a baby that was too strong too young it gave her a funny feeling. 
    There is a point to these ramblings. It is July 4th. I have a friend who had some bad things happen to him on the 4th of July, and after 10 years of watching him go into a depression and obsess about something he will never be able to change, it is like I was there and saw it as it happened through his eyes.   I have tried for years to help him let go of some of the pain of that year, but things stick in his head like they do mine, and I can tell it is hitting him extra hard this year.  He is being really quiet, and anyone who knows him knows he is NEVER quiet. :) I think that is part of why he an I get along so well I am rarely quiet too.


     I am so tired of every time you turn around people are trying to make EVERYTHING a racial issue even if that may not be the case.   Did you all see that clip on one of the news pages where the woman and her son went to a restraint and they were told the little boy was in violation of the dress code?  The employee that stopped them made it clear it was because of the clothes, and even said they would love for them to eat there , and asked if they lived close enough that they could go home and change the clothes. 
     The mother spotted another little boy (out side) dressed similarly to the way her son was, and asked why he was allowed to eat there. The employee told her it was the shoes that did not meet the dress code. ( Personally I do not see any reason for a fancy dress code.  As long as you are clean without any private body parts sticking out, any clothes should be ok) , but some restraints have fancy clothes codes.  I do not eat in them lol.  Back to my point.  No one on the tape everrrrrrr said it was a color issue.  On being interviewed by the news the mother herself even said SHE ASSUMED it was a color thing.  People should never assume anything. You so not know what other people are thinking, there for you can not say what they were thinking.  I think it is sad two people lost their job because someone thinks they are above the rules.  
     This event made me think of a song I heard decades ago. If I can find it on line I will put it on my wall.  
     I do not know if people do not get that trying to make a raciest event out of something that was not one, makes it harder for people to care about the real ones.  Like the little boy that cried wolf.   Real events or racism should be delt with, but just because someone does not get their own way does not automatically make the person that stopped you from breaking a rule a racist.