
registro: 15/04/2014
Worry about your character, not your reputation. Your character is who you are, your reputation is who people think you are. ht
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   Did you ever find yourself in the position of defending something you were not in agreement with, because you knew logically it was the right decision.   Even though your emotions want to agree with the people who did not like it?  Sometimes it is hard to do the mature logical adult thing when all you really want to do is the selfish, childish thing.  The child inside you wants to throw a temper tantrum and cry about something you do not like. Then someone else comes to you with the same feelings, and instead of saying to them you are right I agree with you , you have to do the right thing, and try to make them see it from another point of view.   You have to make them see the decision was made on a logical bases not an emotional one, and even though some disagree with it.   It was the right thing to do.   Many times some people like me can see something from both sides at the same time,   It is both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing when you can understand how both sides of a disagreement feel, but it is a curse when your own emotional side says NO this sucks, and your logical side has to take over your mouth and say IT WAS THE SMART THING TO DO.   Bottom line no matter what decision is made some will like it and some will not.  Best one can do is try to get those that do not like it to at least understand why it was done.
   I have found in time that those who have emotionally grown up will calm down and see what you have been trying to explain to them, and those who's emotions have not caught up with their age will not be able to see the logical side of things.   What drives me crazy is when I try to explain something to someone and they tell me I am making excuses for the person or persons that annoyed them.

   I used to watch a short lived tv show when I was a kid.  I am sure most of you will not even remember it,  it did not last long.   It was called LUCAN  it was about a boy raised by wolves.   He was captured and tied up one day and when they came to save him he said he could do nothing.  He also said ( WHEN ONE CAN DO NOTHING THE BEST THING TO DO IS NOTHING.)   The reason I added this is because, if I am out voted and know no matter what I say or do it will not change anything , I set there quiet and let what is inevitable happen, because I could not stop it anyhow.  Why waist energy on  something that is set in stone already.   So many people never get that simple lesson.   If they did understand that there would be less fights in this world.   I only fight for things I feel I may be able to change or that i feel are egregiously wrong.  Anything else I just live with it.


   I went to see my sister yesterday.   She is feeling some better I could tell because she asked her nutritionist who looked older her or me lol.   I got more grey hairs, but she has more wrinkles lol.  I was amazed to see how much she looked like our mom. When I saw her a few weeks ago at our nieces graduation party she still looked like herself.   I do not know why her looks changed so fast.   She was telling when her son came to see her the other day he did not recolonize her.   We are not sure how long she will be in the recovery place, but at least she is doing some better.   Thank all of you who prayed for her recovery.

More good news couple nights ago my sister called me.  She is starting to sound more like her old self now so apparently the treatments are working YAY.   She says she is feeling better too.   Thank you all for your prayers.


   I am going to make this one short. My sister Dorothy is in the hospital with kidney problems.   If you all could put her in your prayers I would appreciate it.


        It seems people like to see me on may soap box so much they envision me there even when I am not.   I told them before long I would be well here is the day I climb back up there.  
     Have you all seen the stupid ideas the president has in mind for the poor people now?   He wants to cut their food stamps  in half and give them a box of food the government has prepared.   It is meant to have peanut butter and shelf stable milk and beans, and cereal in it.   The theory is the government will save money this way.   My thoughts is many people are allergic to peanut butter.   They will either not eat so it will either get thrown away or the people may try to eat it if they get hungry enough. Either way it will cost more.   I noticed he did not cut that funding for the rich or for the wall.   Only the old poor and disabled will be hurt by this.  When the government takes half the food stamps to make boxes of food people do not want and can not use it will cause more poverty then we have now.  
     Some of us worked before we got disabled like I myself am, so why should the government tell me what foods I must eat?   I want all of you who are lucky enough to still have jobs to ask yourself ( Would I stand still for it for the government to take away half of your food budget and replace it with a box of foods you did not even want?)   I noticed no funding for the dang wall was cut.   I dare any one of the people that want to cut  funding to try to live on what I live on for 1 year.


       I do not know what is wrong with the guys today, but I am rapidly reaching a point where I feel like picking one of the guys in my life up and hit the rest of them with him.   Between then forgetting things and stirring up drama where there does not need to be and my a special friend being a general ass, I am reaching my flip out point. I do not know what is wrong with the men today, but what ever it is I wish they would fix it.
     I got enough stress this week I do not need this on top of it.  As most of my friends know I need to get blood work this week and I am all stressed out about it.   It is not going to be good. The doctor is going to want to put me on more meds when I think the right thing to do would be to take me off one that I think is causing these problems.  So I am worried about that, and this other aggravation are not helping my anxiety.   I just felt the uncontrollable need to blog before I explode on someone.
     Today should be a good day it is a friends birthday.  She got caught in some of the drama and did not need it.